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My "Prayer" for Grammy

I am thrilled to announce that my song "The Prayer" was officially released last Sunday, September 16th! This single became alive with great help of unbelievably talented singer Viktoriya Cherenysova. She made my dreams come true! Her beautiful, strong and sensitive voice penetrates into the deepest layers of the soul... Now we will nominate this song for Grammy Awards 67! Wish us luck next year!

Specialk thanks goes to Alexiano Fedrucelli who made the colorful and professional arrangement of "The Prayer". An addition to that, I would like to express my gratitude to the guitarists Georgy Fedirco and Vlad Okunev. Great solos, positive vibes! My friend Stella Fedirko made creative artwork for the single.

You can find "The Prayer" online on such platforms as Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, YouTube etc. Also, you can click on the links below to listen to the song now:

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